• Daycare and Preschools – Sanitizing System

    Daycare and Preschools – Sanitizing System

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    Daycare and Preschools – Why Use Our System? If anyone needed the results that the Just Gone Sanitizing & Deodorizing System™ can deliver, it would be the Daycare and Preschool businesses. Even though you work diligently to keep your facilities clean, you just cannot deal with the constant outbreaks of viruses and… Read more

  • Auto, RV and Boat Dealerships  – Sanitizing System

    Auto, RV and Boat Dealerships – Sanitizing System

    Auto, RV and Boat Dealerships – Why do you need us? One thing that any dealership that resells cars, RV’s, and boats can’t tolerate is a vehicle that smells bad. Whether its smoke odors (the most prevalent), mold and mildew, protein odors (rotting meat, dead animals & human body fluids). Most of the time well-meaning service… Read more

  • Athletic Facilities – Sanitizing System

    Athletic Facilities – Sanitizing System

    Why do you need our Sanitizing System? Why is it that after all your spraying and wiping, your equipment and facilities are still not safe from harmful bacteria, germs, and odors?  Because your current systems cannot get into all of the breeding grounds the bacteria hide in and multiply in, the Just Gone™ Sanitizing System of… Read more

  • Have Pet Urine Stains, We can help

    Have Pet Urine Stains, We can help

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    Treating your carpet for urine damage. Urine contamination in carpet is a severe problem not remedied with cleaning. Unfortunately urine doesn’t damage just face fibers. It penetrates the backing and the padding beneath the carpet, and in severe cases is be absorbed by the subfloor. Over a period of months, the accumulation of urine can Read more


What makes Cleanmate trusted above other cleaning service providers? When you combine higher standards, smarter strategies and superior quality all in one package, the result is top notch.