Have Pet Urine Stains, We can help

Have Pet Urine Stains, We can help

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Treating your carpet for urine damage.

Urine contamination in carpet is a severe problem not remedied with cleaning. Unfortunately urine doesn’t damage just face fibers. It penetrates the backing and the padding beneath the carpet, and in severe cases is be absorbed by the subfloor. Over a period of months, the accumulation of urine can become so great that even replacement of the padding and carpet will not eliminate the offensive odor. Urine odors can still permeate from the floor (wood or cement), from the tack strip, even from the framework behind the walls.

What really generates the odor? As the urine dries, the liquid evaporates leaving behind crystals containing uric acid, urea, proteins, bacteria, hormones and other byproducts that become more concentrated and pungent. Simple cleaning will not remove these residues. Disinfectants and deodorants may temporarily mask the odor, however these measures will not effectively neutralize all of the remaining urine residues.

Magic Wand janitorial Service uses a variety of products and tools, the use of which is determined on a case-by-case basis.

  1. The source and severity of urine contamination is determined using specialized equipment and the sense of smell. During this process it may be necessary to pull up the carpet to reveal the extent of damage.
  2. The carpet will be rinsed and extracted with hot water and/or a mild acid rinse.
  3. In severe cases it may also be necessary to replace the padding.
  4. Products will be applied to the carpet face and all affected areas as necessary and may involve the tack strip, subfloor, padding, baseboards and carpet backing. The carpet will bereinstalled immediately.
  5. In all cases, products will be applied heavily enough to thoroughly dampen the carpetfibers. To work effectively, the carpet may remain damp up to 24 hours.
  6. In some situations it may be necessary to leave carpet drying equipment such as air mover and dehumidifiers.


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